Meet the Team

We are raising money for beautiful causes.

“All we need is you” is a self descriptive project in which (you) people help us raise money to help others. We also need (you) celebrities to make this possible. All we need is you.. let’s do it together!


All We Nees is You

What is a Race?

A Race is a crowdfunding charity competition. Races are open to the public and anyone can participate.

How to participate?

You find the charity you want to participate and you donate the amount of money you want. Your donation will translate into “participation points” and to be used for the lottery.

Where will your money go?

Your money will go to a well known non-profit organization. Every Race announces the non-profit organization that will use the money.

What is your motive?

Besides you are donating money for a good cause, at the end of every Race a winner will be announced after the lottery. The lucky one wins some personal time with his or her favorite celebrity!

A few words..

We believe that helping others is a necessity for living in a healthy society. We also believe that taking action is everyone’s responsibility. We finally believe that helping others and taking action should not be restricted in the traditional charity way. That’s why we created this project. To give people an extra motive to help others.




Nikolas Dervenis
Product Owner
All We Need is You